The feeling after a relapse usually sucks, unless the following advice is applied:
Why did it happen? What will make it easier to avoid next time?
If the devil exists, he’d want you to feel as bad as possible after a relapse because fapping has been one of your main methods of dealing with feeling bad.
By staying positive in a negative situation, we win 🏆
Fall down 7 times, stand up 8 💪
The only mistake is not learning about ourselves after we fall down.
The best way to handle a relapse is by being stoic, and writing about it your journal with the intention to learn how to avoid it next time. Along with regular journaling, I recommend doing NTP journaling to process negative emotions:
Did anything trigger the relapse? What time was it when you relapsed? How were you feeling just before you relapsed?
So, after a relapse:
• Write about it (in the way I’ve described) in a journal with the intention to learn something about how you could’ve prevented it
• Don’t feel too sad about it, see things in a way that makes you feel motivated to succeed.
• Reset your day-counter. Here are some good ones:,
You’re now on week 1, so make sure you follow how to handle the first week correctly:
If you don’t have a coach, you might not have much accountability, so there might not be any qualms about relapsing.
Reaching out to your coach or accountability partner in time can make all the difference, as they can helped you to avoid relapse in that moment. If you do not have a coach yet, go to