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My name is David Reynolds and I'm a 23 year old holistic coach from the south of England. I want to make the world a better place by helping people to develop self-esteem and freedom from addiction. I'm currently travelling around the UK in a camper van.


We are all at different levels of speaking ability, and how we speak has a huge impact on how other people view us, and ultimately how good our life is. Some people speak with conviction, clarity, confidence, and charisma. This is what I help people to do.

In my public-speaking group, there are online group sessions available for you to join if you'd like to practice speaking in front of strangers.

After running this group since 2020 I've helped hundreds of people to improve their speaking ability. It's easy for me to understand how a new person can improve their speaking, and I know how to help them to see improvement.

If you'd like to know more about Public-Speaking coaching,

go to the Public-Speaking Coaching page


Although it's not always a comfortable topic to discuss, pornography is without a doubt having a severely detrimental impact on the mental health, physical health, and social health of young (and older) men today.

The effects of overusing pornography are usually lowered energy, heightened shyness, heightened irritability, heightened shame, and heightened anxiety, which of course negatively affects everyone in a man's life.


Due to the hyper-stimulating nature of pornography on the brain, it can be very difficult

to avoid using it for a long time.


As part of the first generation to have unlimited access to unrestricted high-speed internet pornography during puberty, I understand how addictive it can be, but since quitting successfully a few years ago, experiencing the benefits, and hearing guy's stories I must help other men to quit as well.

I've been casually active in various NoFap groups over the years- sharing advice sporadically, but now I'm tackling this problem head on by speaking to men in a 1-to-1 setting and guiding them to freedom:

If you'd like to know more about NoFap coaching, go to the NoFap coaching page.

Blue Skies


Travel is a big part of my life so this page about me wouldn't be complete without a section

about my travel experiences.


In the summer of 2023 I set off from a small, obscure Scottish town towards Dumfries, Ayrshire. I spent 3 incredible days in the most beautiful locations. After that I spent a few months traveling around the New Forest in the South of England, and then I travelled around Cornwall for about a month. Whilst in a library in a small Cornish town I asked my Instagram followers whether or not I should spend the winter in the UK or in the south of Spain. They chose Spain, and by 12pm on November 14th I was on the ferry to Le Havre, France. I subsequently drove all the way down to Perpignan, after a detour to visit Orange (a city that my father visited in his youth) I crossed into Spain on December 2nd. I went along the east coast of Spain, along the Gulf of Valencia. and eventually down to Alicante. I spent around 6 days in Alicante and really enjoyed it there. I then went to Malaga, and then Gibraltar. After Gibraltar I decided not to head into Portugal for some reason and instead went north to where I am now, Hondarribia, my favourite small town in Spain.


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